Tuesday, 14 October 2014

What eye protection to use against Ebola

Secondary to disposable respiratory protection, consideration should also be giving to EYE WEAR - goggles, safety glasses or other fitted eye protection. Ideally they should form a perfect seal around the eyes and preferably non-vented (or optionally indirectly ventilated if non-vented unavailable) to prevent ingress of fluids or particulates (note the following protect against PARTICULATES and/or FLUIDS and are not typically suitable for GASES or VAPORS). Although every effort has been made to ensure accuracy, the reader is encouraged to perform their own due-diligence.

IMPORTANT: PPE effectiveness is solely dependent on HOW WELL THEY FIT. 
It's highly recommended all Personal Protection Equipment be fit-tested with family members, friends or colleagues before full deployment or use to ensure they fit the user safely and securely across a wide range of shapes and sizes for both head and body as needed (facial hair, jewelry or other impediments to secure fit severely reduce the effectiveness of personal protection equipment). For further information visit the OSHA (US) or HSE (UK)
The following is a list of suggestions (all items listed below are rated for airborne PARTICULATES but may not fully protect against VAPORS, MISTS and/or GASES - double-check option chosen for open/direct venting [avoid], indirect venting [alternative when 'no vent' unavailable], and/or no vent [preference] so double-check version before purchase);

• 3M™ Safety Goggles 2890S - (UK/EU) / (US) [info]
• Bolle Blast BLAPSI - (UK/EU) / (US) [info]
• Bolle Atom ATOEPSI - (UK/EU) / (US) [info]
• Bolle Attack ATPSI - (UK/EU) / (n/a) [info]
• UCI Kara - (UK/EU) / (n/a) [info]
• Uvex Stealth OTG - (n/a) / (US) [info]
• Uvex V-Max - (n/a) / (US) [info]
• Uvex Carbonvision - (UK/EU) / (US) [info]

Additional Reading
OSHA (US) - PPE Selection - Chemicals: Goggles
CDC (US) - 2007 Guideline for Isolation Precautions: Preventing Transmission of Infectious Agents in Healthcare Settings
CDC (US) - Healthcare Infection Control Practices Advisory Committee (HICPAC)
CDC (US) - Eye Protection for Infection Control (obsolete)
HSE (UK) - Infections at work
HSE (UK) - Are you exposed to micro-organisms at work?
NHS (UK) - Eye Safety
EASHW OSHA (EU) - Health and safety of healthcare staff

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